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Katsastuskontti Oy


Country: Finland

“Significant increase in traffic as key keywords rank on Google’s first page”

Our reasons for investing in WP SEO AI

  • We updated our website and wanted to ensure it was optimized for search engine visibility in the best possible way.
  • Google is a critical channel for us, as almost all new customers find us through search results.
  • We were intrigued by the AI solution, and our website partner highly recommended collaborating with SEO AI.

Results achieved

  • The number of keywords ranking in Google’s TOP 10 has increased by 223% (26 to 84) since the start of the collaboration.
  • Articles have successfully ranked for highly competitive industry keywords where visibility on Google is crucial.
  • Organic clicks grew from 3,954 in July to 5,641 in January (+42%), bringing over 1,700 additional visitors per month without any paid advertising.

“At first, I was skeptical about AI and doubted whether it could really produce high-quality content.
Those doubts have now proven to be completely wrong. Our most important keywords have risen to the top of Google’s search results, and the results have been incredible.
SEO AI has made everything so effortless that all I have to do is hear about the results.
I can highly recommend this — to everyone except our competitors.”

More references

SEO AI Content Generator